Tuesday, December 29, 2009

#2 - Gathania - Blame It On You

Gathania Holmgren is yet another former contestant from Swedish Idol having taken part in the 2007 show and finishing in the top 10 that year. After a slight break, her first single in Sweden, Get It Out was released in 2009 and reached #27. The follow-up single, Blackout was also released in Sweden in 2009 and failed to match the success of her first effort, barely making the Top 40.

The above doesn't really sound like much to talk about, however, Gathania's (and specifically Blackout's) performance in Sweden does absolutely nothing to represent the quality of her music. Gathania was picked up by Hard2Beat Records in the UK (who have been responsible for the release of many Swedish artists in the UK, including September) and a new video and even a new title for Blackout are probably a better representation of what this song is capable of. Enter Blame It On You and you are sure to fall in love!

Jonas van der Burg was responsible for Blame It On You and as he is the mastermind behind the success of September maybe this will help add some more perspective. Blame It On You is a September single and even so much more! From the little piano solo that starts it off and the build-up into the first chorus the song is Swedish pop at its absolute finest! Along with having the perfect lyrics for someone wanting to get back at an ex that they hate, the video really hits it home and it's a great way to be 'bitchy' while singing along to an infectious pop song :)

The release for the UK was supposed to happen this year but has instead been postponed for 2010 while Gathania has already released a new single in Sweden, Spinning. Gathania is beautiful (which can't hurt her chances) and although new to the stage performance 'thing' and maybe needing a bit more practice, with a little luck Blame It On You could (or at least should) be huge for her in 2010!


The Top 20 of 2009 - Gathania - Blame It On You

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